Products |CNC Plate Drilling Machine | CNC Plate Drilling Machine

CNC Plate Drilling Machine

"PRIMO" has recently added “CNC Plate Drilling Machine” - A CNC Servo controlled Plate Drilling Machine in the long list of products for Drilling, Welding, Cutting, Fabrication & its allied Automation Products. Since 1995 we are in the field of design, conceptualization, manufacturing of Welding & Handling automation solutions to various industry segment and customer base. In the continuous effort we have added plate drilling machine for catering to our already established customers in the Beam fabrication and other steel fabrication industry. Not only in Fabrication Industry, the machine is also offers plate drilling solutions to the Boiler (Heat Ex-changer) industry, Water Purification industry, ship building industry& many such industries, catering to their respective plate drilling needs.

We do have range of products from a simple plate drilling system to Beam drilling machine. The size of machine ranges from a form factor of 1.5 X 3 Meters to 3 X 12 Meters.

This machine can be used for simple end flange drilling of beam plate to a lengthy plate for drilling holes on the web & flange plate. The varied plates that can be drilled includes Full Plates, Cut Plates and Profile Plates.

This machine is equipped with all the latest control architecture which employs industry standard CNC controls, high precise servo motion control, G code compatibility, highly customizable according to customer needs.


·      CNC Drilling for any plate fabrication industry

·      End flange CNC flange drilling

·      H Beam flange plate drilling

·      H Beam web plate drilling

·      PEB flange / Web plate drilling

·      Heat Exchanger tube sheet drilling

·      Base & connection plate drilling

·      Stainer plate drilling

·      Our plate drilling CNC machine can be used to drill holes on any alloy plates such as mild steel & stainless steel and on metals such as copper & aluminum.




Process Type

Automatic CNC Plate Drilling Machine

Model Name/Number

CPD-1530 (Maximum plate of size 1.5 M x 3.0 M)

CPD-3030 (Maximum plate of size 3.0 M x 3.0 M)

CPD-3060 (Maximum plate of size 3.0 M x 6.0 M)

CPD-30120 (Maximum plate of size 3.0 M x 12.0 M)

Machine Controls / Features

Highly Precise Machine Controls,

PLC / CNC Controlled,

Advanced Single Window Parameterization / Recipe function for various drill sizes & Plate references separately.

High Speed drilling function,

G Code Programming functions,

Air hydro system tool locking mechanism,

Handles HSS drills & brazed carbide drills,

BT & MT Tool acceptance with appropriate sleeves,

Recipe based automatic spindle speed & feed selection for a given drill diameter,

HAAMP - Highly Advanced Automatic Multi Point Referencing – Eliminates manual plate edge referencing errors,

Fully Scalable Technology (As against conventional CNCs),

One Cable Technology for all Servo axes increases reliability and ease of maintenance,

Precision Ball Screw / Rack & Pinion transmission in servo axes.

Machine Modules

CNC / PLC control unit,

15 Inch Touch screen operator interface,

XYZ CNC gantry for high precise / high speed positioning,

Collapsible covers for protecting all axes from dusts and metal chips,

High speed drilling spindle unit,

Inbuilt thru coolant function for carbide drill tools,

Heavy duty machine bed,

Coolant recirculation unit,

Plate clamping system,

Optional countersunk holes capability,

Optional hydraulic plate clamping,

Optional chip conveyor system,

Optional ATC - Auto Tool Changeover mechanism for various drill sizes,

Optional dual drilling head.

Maximum Thickness & Hole Dimeter

Maximum thickness of 80 mm.

Maximum hole of 50 mm dia can be drilled in this machine.

Incase of higher thickness we have the other advanced machine configurations.

Automation Grade

Fully Automatic CNC Controlled Plate Drilling Machine / Semi-Automatic.

Special Drilling


Please discuss with our Sales / Technical team about your exact requirement to offer our Best available CNC plate drilling solutions.


Our CNC Plate Drilling Machine Advantages:

·      Plate need not to be marked and Punched for drilling purpose. Marking and punching operations can be eliminated and the fitter too.

·      Highly Productive plate drilling process.

·      Cost effective CNC Plate drilling process.

·      Drill hole measurement accuracy is highly repeatable and not dependent on operator skill

·      24 X 7 Up time with the usage highly reputable automation products

·      Fatigue on Operator is completely eliminated.

·      Since it is a CNC Controlled machine, the pitch accuracy will be +/- 0.05mm.

·      Plate need not be placed exactly with butting reference. 10 to 15 mm variations can be taken care by the machine. Hence the loading time is drastically reduced.

·      Multiple plates can be stacked & drilled.

·      “H” & “I” beams can also be drilled independently in the Web & Flange  plates.

·      1000 Plus programs can be stored and recalled as & when required. Hence need not do nesting again. Thus, nesting time can be saved.

                               CNC Plate Drilling Machine-Working Mechanism:

·      Make nesting of your CAD Drawings (holes to be made).

·      Feed the nested file into the system.

·      Enter the value of the Plate size & Feed rate.

·      Load the Plate on the table and butt against the reference.

·      Switch on and perform drilling.

·      Machine will drill the holes as per the nested file.

·      Machine will reach its home position automatically after completion of all the drilling operation.

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